Department of Education
Project Type:
Brief Description:
Major Upgrade
The works consisted of a major upgrade of a number of buildings throughout the school including:
- Block F – Alterations and refurbishment of a 3 storey 1970’s square courtyard building providing specialist learning spaces and staff facilities. Construction of a 3 storey Lift, within the courtyard.
- Construction of a single storey outdoor workshop adjacent to Block F.
- Demolition of two single storey timber buildings, Blocks D and E.
- Construction of a single storey canteen building.
- Construction of a single storey Aboriginal resource centre.
- Block B - Alterations and refurbishment of the ground floor of a heritage building for general learning and staff facilities.
Delivery Method:
Design Development and Construct
Contact Details:
Mr Darren Giurissevich
NSW Public Works Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Ph: (02) 6586 7800